Hormones that are Affecting Your Sleep

In order to have healthy blood sugar regulation, mood stabilization, and hormone health, we need sleep. Sleep is our recovery and repair and about 50-70 million Americans don’t get nearly enough of it.

Most of us have not and do not get the adequate sleep we need to be at our best every day- fully alert, energized and competent. Work, stress, and bad sleep hygiene are often the cause of late nights and early mornings. This enhances pro-aging cortisol and suppresses anti-aging melatonin. Who wants that??

Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, and heart disease are directly correlated with sleep dysfunction.

Impaired glucose or poor blood sugar regulation lead to elevations in hormones that cause sleep issues. If that isn’t enough, lack of sleep can cause:

Increased inflammation-low-level inflammation is at the heart of almost every chronic disease

Elevated risk for heart disease- poor sleep= increased risk for coronary heart disease

Increased cortisol- cortisol should decrease throughout the day but when it doesn’t, it circulates through the body and makes it very difficult to be in a parasympathetic state

Increased sympathetic nervous system activation- increases the fight or flight response= high blood pressure, heart rate and fat storage

Decreased leptin & elevated ghrelin- can result in fat storage, infertility, brain fog & autoimmunity

Ways to Naturally improve sleep & sleep quality:

  1. Sleep hygiene- get away from all screens at least an hour before bed and sleep in a cool, dark environment.

  2. Support blood sugar regulation- meals that contain protein, fat and micronutrient-dense food combat blood sugar spikes.

  3. Move- Walk, run, lift, hike, bike, stretch! Do movement that makes you feel good everyday.

  4. Be mindful & intentional- breath work and meditation have been show to decrease the sympathetic response and allows you to practice making intentional decisions.

  5. Support your circadian rhythm- if you suspect your circadian cycle is off (awake at night, tired first thing in the morning), find supplemental support such as L-theanine, chamomile, ashwaganha, magnolia or phosphatidylserine.